TTAF: 2598 Hours LDGS: 1255
Single owner, flown only for private flying, maintained by Bombardier approved service centre.
ENGINE Hours Cycles
LH: 2598 TSN 1255 CYC
RH: 2598 TSN 1255 CYC
VHF COM Honeywell RCZ 833K
VHF COM Honeywell RCZ 833
NAV Honeywell RNZ 851
XPNDR Honeywell XS-852A
ADF Honeywell DF-850
DME Honeywell DM-850
FMS Honeywell FMS-2000
HF COM Collins HF 9000
SELCAL FFONE Avtech Corp CSD 714
RADAR Honeywell WU-880
RAD ALT Collins ALT-4000
TCAS II Chg7 Honeywell RT-950
EGWPS Honeywell MARK V
FDR Honeywell SSFDR
CVR Honeywell SSCVR
ELT Artex B406-4
Other HUD / EVS available
14 Pax seating
Overall white with black accent Specifications
Specifications subject to verification, upon inspection
Price and times subject to change, without notice Aircraft offered subject to prior sale or withdrawal from market.
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