Xtralis released the ADPRO XOa 3 SecurityPlus Remotely Programmable Operating System for FastTrace 2 Series Remotely Managed Multi-service Gateways (RMG). Xtralis is renowned for early and reliable detection, automatic remote visual verification through any network condition, and remote multi-level response, which vastly improves guarding services at significantly lower costs or enables the replacement of human guards while avoiding the unnecessary dispatch of first responders. XOa 3 turns a FastTrace RMG into an “electronic super guard,” with intrusion detection, presence awareness (loitering), automatic visual verification of fire/smoke, and multi-level response capabilities ranging from 2-way audio talk-down to control of lighting, access, and ventilation or any other building subsystem, all from a remote monitoring station. XOa 3 also provides unique business intelligence capabilities, using security infrastructure to monitor customer behaviour to improve sales and customer service. XOa 3 expands the number of channels supported to 32 x 5Mbps IP video cameras, with up to 32 of Xtralis’ award-winning analytic applications (32x32) per FastTrace system.