Editor's Viewpoint: Annual AMT Technical Support Directory
Having access to current information is critical for the aircraft maintenance professional when choosing service providers and when purchasing tools and equipment. The June issue of AMT is provided as a resource to assist with the task of locating and contacting those companies.
This issue, our annual Technical Support Directory, also contains our Tools and Equipment Focus on shop equipment. As you page through this month’s issue you will find a wide variety of company listings and descriptions for both services and products to assist with your everyday role. The AMT Technical Support Directory has been a long-time favorite and we’re told by many aircraft maintenance professionals this comprehensive listing is kept in bookshelves, toolboxes, desks, offices, and shop and hangar workstations as an easy to access guide when searching for aircraft maintenance services and products.
As I read the results of a recent survey of AMT magazine readers conducted by the Ad Q Studies division of Harvey Research Incorporated, I noted a couple interesting points relating to tools and equipment which I thought I would share. The first interesting point had to do with one of the many survey questions. That question was “Which of the following products, items of equipment or services are you involved in advising, recommending, specifying, or approving?”
The survey results stated that nearly 70 percent of you either make purchasing decisions for tools and equipment, or influence those within your organization who have purchasing responsibility for tools and equipment. So please use this issue of AMT as a resource when researching company offerings and making your purchase decisions.
Another interesting point I’d like to mention has to do with the demographics of our readership as it relates to the respondents of the survey. The three largest groups of respondents to the Ad Q survey were in order, aircraft maintenance technicians, followed by readers in a maintenance management position such as a manager or director, and then readers who are company officers or owners of an aircraft maintenance organization. The top two segments of the aircraft maintenance industry that the respondents worked for were the maintenance repair and overhaul (MRO) segment which includes repair stations and completion centers, followed by respondents who were part of a regional or major airline maintenance organization.
Whether you’re a technician or company owner consider this issue one of the many tools in your toolbox or on your desk. Place it in an easy to access and known location. Use it to find those companies used by your maintenance organization and tell them you found their name in the AMT Technical Support Directory. Thanks, Ron