MTI Instruments

Lockport, IL 60441


About MTI Instruments


900 N. State St
Lockport, IL 60441
United States of America
(815) 838-0005

More Info on MTI Instruments

Thousands of MTI’s products are used globally in the semiconductor, automotive, aviation, electronics, and medical industries. As the leader in capacitance technology with decades of experience, MTI stands behind the quality and performance of the most demanding user environments.

Products and Press Releases

PBX eXpress
Engines & Components

PBS eXpress

April 27, 2022
The PBS eXpress aircraft engine vibration analysis and balancing system is designed to optimize small-frame turbofan and turboprop engines, commonly utilized in regional jet, ...
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Education & Training

MTI Instruments' PBS-4100+ Series Training Now Eligible for Credit Under William (Bill) O'Brien Aviation Maintenance Technician (AMT) Awards Program

Feb. 23, 2021
MTI Instruments, Inc. (MTI Instruments), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Mechanical Technology, Incorporated announced that its training course on the PBS-4100+ engine vibration ...
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Vibration Monitoring

MTI Instruments PBS-4100 Plus vibration analysis/trim balancing

Dec. 10, 2008
MTI Instruments Inc. (MTII) announces the evolution of its vibration analysis and trim balancing systems for aircraft engines with the PBS-4100 PLUS, a fully compatible upgrade...

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