For Some Reason, Russia Shows Off Improbable Supersonic Cargo Plane
Never mind the fact that Russian-backed separatists in Ukraine are struggling to win a civil war--the Kremlin wants to wow the Future with a gigantic supersonic cargo plane. Named the PAK TA, the concept from Russia’s Military-Industrial Commission will be a supersonic transport than can deliver Russian troops and tanks at high speed across the globe. And, according to Russia’s state-owned network, RT, they want them ready for military service by 2024.
The concept is as ambitious as it is improbable. Inside, Russia wants it to fit at least seven future tanks (also still in development), and then carry them through the sky at supersonic speeds of over 1200 mph to destinations up to 4000 miles away. That’s a speed unheard of for transports, and surpassed only by fighter jets.
More details here.