B-29 Doc Open House Scheduled for May 12; Construction Update

May 7, 2018
The open house is from 8:30 a.m to 5 p.m., Saturday, May 12. For an entry fee of $10, or $20 for a cockpit tour, visitors will be able to get an up close and personal look at the restored B-29.

The 2018 tour season for B-29 Doc will kick off later this month but before the crew embarks on another tour season, Doc fans and friends in Wichita will have the opportunity to see the inside of the restored warbird during an open house Saturday, May 12.

Doors at Doc’s temporary hangar facility at Air Capital Flight Line at 3800 S. Oliver will be open from 8:30 a.m to 5 p.m., Saturday, May 12. For an entry fee of $10, or $20 for a cockpit tour, visitors will be able to get an up close and personal look at the restored B-29.

Construction at the B-29 Doc Hangar and Education Center as of Friday, May 4. The ADA elevator shaft can be seen rising from the foundation in this photo.

Meanwhile, construction continues and is on schedule for the new B-29 Doc Hangar and Education Center. CLICK HERE or scroll down to see the overall budget and construction schedule. The new facility being built at Wichita’s Eisenhower National Airport will be finished in November of this year.

With all this excitement and anticipation for 2018, we still need your help to carry out our mission. So far, we have raised a little more than $5 million for the 32,000 sq.ft. B-29 Doc Hangar and Education Center that we are building at Eisenhower National Airport in Wichita. While we are confident we have enough money to start and finish construction on the building, we still need to raise the last $1.5 million to help us ensure the facility has the tooling, furnishings and gear to be a world-class facility to help us educate and connect future generations to the history of the B-29 Superfortress and its important role in our nation’s history.

One of the most unique ways you can get involved is by purchasing a personalized brick or paver that will be installed in the front courtyard area of the B-29 Doc Hangar and Education Center. CLICK HERE to purchase your brick or paver today!

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