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Pentagon 2000 Software Inc., a provider of fully integrated MRO and supply chain software solutions for the aerospace and defense industry, has released an upgraded version of its PickMaster mobile app.

The PickMaster app supports both pre-assigned picking operations as well as manual user designated picking. Users can sort their picking assignments by Pick Ticket or Warehouse Code. And the app displays information about the customer, part number and description to assist users during the process.

A variety of transactions are supported by the app that include Pick Ticket, Purchase Shipper, Vendor Claim, Warehouse Transfer, Work Orders and Aircraft Maintenance. Inventory integrity and picking accuracy is maintained for quality control through scanning of barcode Unique Identifier labels (UID). For customers that operate in a multi-company environment, the PickMaster app supports both single and multi-company operations while maintaining user security and audit controls.

The PickMaster mobile app operates on all current generation Apple iPhone and iPad devices connected by WiFi or Cellular networking to Pentagon 2000SQL. For customers that require outbound inspection or wish to stage parts in a shipping area, a mobile battery powered Zebra thermal printer may be deployed that is worn on the picker’s belt to allow convenient printing of an inspection ticket to accompany the part through the final stages of the shipping process.

Benefits for Pentagon 2000SQL system users of the PickMaster app include increased throughput, improved picking accuracy, and real time status visibility of warehouse picking operations. 

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