New AkzoNobel Base Coat/Clear Coat systems have qualified to Aerospace Material Specification 3095A (AMS 3095A). The qualified systems use water based Metaflex SP 1050 for surface preparation.
Metaflex SP 1050 pretreatment promotes superior adhesion, system durability and outstanding performance while providing easy strip-ability within the typical MRO requirements. The environmentally friendly surface pretreatment reduces paint preparation time and costs.
The new systems eliminate mixed fleet complexity and can be applied on any type of commercial aircraft, in a variety of climates, anywhere in the world. Aircraft appearance variability within the fleet will be an issue of the past.
The state-of-the-art AMS 3095A paint solutions offer simplicity and economy while supporting airlines and MRO's to improve the efficiency of fleet maintenance.
A direct to metal paint system was also qualified to AMS 3095A earlier this year. The AMS 3095A qualification is considered a worldwide standard of excellence and is globally endorsed by the major OEMs.