Transpo Industries Inc.

New Rochelle, NY 10801


About Transpo Industries Inc.


20 Jones St.
New Rochelle, NY 10801
United States

More Info on Transpo Industries Inc.

Transpologo This 10277493

Transpo manufactures Airport Safety Products and Materials. Custom Blast Fence with smallest footprint available. MMA Airfield color marking for Runways Taxiways and Apron.   FAA approved Frangible Fuse Bolts.

Products and Press Releases

Airportcolorsafelowres 10723950
Pavement Markings

Color-Safe Surface

May 31, 2012
Durable, high definition color for airfield marking.
Transproblastfenceclean 10447899
Shop Equipment

Security fence

Nov. 7, 2011
Transpo offers the Blast-Safe Jet-Blast and perimeter security fence. Originally developed for NASA to protect a launch site control tower, it utilizes a unique double-reversed...
Transpo P 10176802


Oct. 1, 2010
Transpo Industries Inc’s POLE-SAFE frangible fuse bolt breakaway supports for ground-mounted equipment is a high-strength coupling that meets current FAA Circular Frangible Connections...
Polesafe 10027486
Safety Equipment


Oct. 14, 2009
Frangible breakaway support systems for light poles, sign posts, localizers and light bars within the safety zone at airport runways.
Blastsafejetblastperimeterfence 10027488
Aviation Security

Blast-Safe™ Jet Blast /Perimeter Fence

Oct. 14, 2009
The Blast-Safe™ fence protects airport assets: * Strong Double-Reverse Corrugated (DRC) Galvanized Steel Fabric * Safely Diffuses Jet-Blast Streams * Glare Screen Protection *...
T17mmaforpatchingconcrete 10027490
Shop Equipment

T-17 MMA for Patching Concrete

Oct. 14, 2009
Extend the life of your concrete with T-17 Methyl Methacrylate Polymer Concrete. Rapid cure time assures a quick return to service. Fast-setting (45 min. @ 70 degrees F), strong...
Blastsafetmjetblastperimetersecurityfencing 10027376
Safety Equipment

Blast-Safe(TM) Jet-Blast/ Perimeter Security Fencing

Oct. 14, 2009
* Protects Airport Assets * Strong Double-Reverse Corrugated (DRC) Galvanized Steel Fabric * Safely Diffuses Jet-Blast Streams* Glare Screen Protection* Narrow Profile, Good for...
Polesafe 10133429
Lighting, Signage, Closure Markings


Sept. 9, 2009
Dulles International Airport (IAD) in Chantilly, VA is the newest location for Transpo’s POLE-SAFE frangible fuse bolt breakaway supports for ground-mounted equipment. The omni...
T17rapidpatch 10026879
Safety Equipment

T-17 Rapid Patch

Sept. 24, 2008
Transpo's T-17 methyl methacrylate polymer concrete is a 100 percent reactive, pre-packaged two component system, ideal for rehabilitation of airport runways. Application of T...
Blastsafetmjetblastperimetersecurityfence 10026877
Safety Equipment

Blast-Safe(TM) Jet-Blast ' Perimeter Security Fence

Sept. 24, 2008
The Blast-Safe™ fence protects airport assets: strong double-reverse corrugated (DRC) galvanized steel fabric; safely diffuses jet-blast streams; glare screen protection; narrow...


Karen Dinitz


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All content from Transpo Industries Inc.

Polesaferbreakawayfusebolts 10026873
Safety Equipment

Pole-Safe(R) Breakaway Fuse Bolts

Sept. 24, 2008
For airside safety, the FAA requires that breakaway fuse bolts be added to airport approach lighting supports. The unique omni-directional design of Transpo's POLE-SAFE™ frangible...
Blastsafejetblastperimetersecurityfencing 10133316
Aviation Security

Blast-Safe Jet-Blast/Perimeter Security Fencing

Sept. 15, 2008
Blast-Safe Jet-Blast/Perimeter Security Fencing is available from Transpo Industries, Inc. Designed to protect airport assets, the product features double-reverse corrugated galvanized...
Blastsafe 10026701
Safety Equipment


April 1, 2008
Blast-Safe(tm) from Transpo Industries Inc. offers protection for airport assets in typical heights of 8 to 14 feet. A key component of the system is a unique double-reverse corrugated...
Stepsafer 10026638
Safety Equipment


Oct. 16, 2007
Alert pedestrians to approaching hazards with STEP-SAFE® ADA compliant detectable warning tile. Each skid-resistant tile is about one foot square and can be installed directly...
Breaksaferpolesafer 10026640
Safety Equipment


Oct. 16, 2007
Omni-directional breakaway support systems for highway signs and light poles
Blast Fence Clean
Aviation Security

Jet-Blast Fencing

June 22, 2007
Blast Safe ™ Jet-Blast and Perimeter Security Fencing Positive protection for structures, vehicles, and pedestrians. Unique double-reversed corrugated fabric. Diffuses jet-blast...
T17mmapolymerconcretepatch 10025455
Runway Management

T-17 MMA Polymer Concrete Patch

June 22, 2007
Extend the life of your runway with T-17 patching material from Transpo:Fast-setting (45 minutes at 70 degrees F)Strong chemical bond (no cold joints)Wide application temperature...
T70sealate 10025869
Snow, Ice, & Foreign Object Debris (FOD) Removal

T-70 Sealate

June 22, 2007
T-70 Sealate is a specially formulated, high molecular weight methacrylate:Extends Life of ConcreteDeep Crack Penetration, Fills and BondsFast CureEasy Single ApplicationVery ...