
Burbank, CA 91501


About Haskel


100 East Graham Place
Burbank, CA 91501

More Info on Haskel

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Haskel International, Inc. manufactures a wide array of air-driven liquid pumps, gas boosters, air pressure amplifiers, and accessory equipment, used in aviation industry for hydraulic tools, oxygen charging and C02, N2, and Halon filling. Haskel also designs and manufactures large custom-built test systems for testing hoses, valves, cylinders and pressure vessels, small portable test systems, for pressure testing applications, high pressure hydraulic systems for powering hydraulic jacks and hydrostatic testing.

Products and Press Releases

Q Drive 2
Oxygen Boosters & Refillers & Nitrogen Carts


Feb. 6, 2020
Haskel's Q-Drive is a servo-electric driven gas booster, which provides high flow rates up to 6,500 psi (450 bar). The Q-Drive is designed with smart, Industry 4.0 technology....
Q Drive 2
Oxygen Boosters & Refillers & Nitrogen Carts

New Servo-Electric Driven Gas Booster Promises Smart, Clean, Efficient Operation

Feb. 6, 2020
The Q-Drive is an electric-powered unit that offers high pressure and high flow rates, along with advanced remote monitoring capabilities.
Haskel 5bd783b9dc10a
Shop Equipment

Portable Charging Units

Oct. 29, 2018
Haskel portable charging units are durable, compact and lightweight. They provide an infinitely adjustable pressure source for pressure testing with nitrogen gas and ensure the...
O’Leary graduated from the University of Florida with a bachelor’s degree in business administration and a master’s degree in building construction, and is a certified general contractor.

Haskell President James O'Leary Appointed Chief Executive Officer

Aug. 6, 2018
Haskell announced Aug. 6, that effective immediately James 'Jim' O’Leary has been appointed chief executive officer (CEO) assuming full executive leadership responsibilities of...


Ton Conforti

Sales Operations Mgr

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All content from Haskel

Inspection & Testing

Haskel Names Aussie Fluid Power as Newest Distributor to Better Serve Australian Clients

Sept. 7, 2017
Burbank, CA (Sept. 7, 2017) – Haskel, an Accudyne brand and a market-leading manufacturer of high-pressure equipment, recently named Aussie Fluid Power (AFP) as the newest distributor...
Shop Equipment

Haskel to Showcase High-Pressure Hydrogen Expertise at North American Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Show

Aug. 7, 2017
Burbank, CA (Aug. 7, 2017) – Haskel, a leader in high-pressure equipment manufacturing, will exhibit their expertise in hydrogen solutions at the inaugural year of the North American...
Shop Equipment

Haskel Taking Orders for New H-Drive Gas Booster at Hannover Messe Hydrogen, Fuel Cell and Battery Exhibition

April 25, 2017
The H-Drive, a hydraulically driven gas booster, will be on display at the exhibition in late April.
haskel website 57e2e0cd2ad41

New Haskel Website Offers High-Pressure Application Solutions and Product Maintenance Videos

Sept. 21, 2016
Burbank, Calif.,- Haskel launches a new global website designed to provide an innovative, powerful communications tool which offers a gateway to the world of industry solutions...
MB 21 Mlitary Brake Pump 579910ae55169

Brake Pump

July 27, 2016
Designed for heavy-duty military vehicles, the MB-21 brake pump is a compact alternative to single-stroke, air-over-oil brake actuators. Its stall capability allows the pump to...
Release Valve 573dc5fc2985b

High Pressure Release Valves

May 19, 2016
BuTech introduces a new line of high-pressure relief valves with a repeatable release design that minimizes the need for frequent recalibration. The unique design enables the ...
Haskel Gas Systems 547cdaae9b13e
Shop Equipment

Gas Booster Transfer and Charging Systems

Dec. 1, 2014
Gas booster charging systems for charging or topping up gas pressures ensure that optimum use is made of commercially bottled gases down to as low as 150 psi supplies while producing...
Gas Systems 11654388
Shop Equipment

Gas Booster Transfer, Charging Systems

Aug. 20, 2014
Gas booster charging systems for charging or topping up gas pressures ensure that optimum use is made of commercially bottled gases down to as low as 150 psi supplies while producing...
Gas Booster System 10834391
Oxygen Boosters & Refillers & Nitrogen Carts

Oxygen gas boosters

Nov. 30, 2012
Haskel offers gas boosters for filling aircraft on-board O2 cylinders, transferring O2 into high pressure receivers for deep ocean diving, and transferring gas from partially ...