Tony Anni

Newington, NH 3801


About Tony Anni


14 Patterson Lane
Suite 2
Newington, NH 3801
United States

More Info on Tony Anni

Sponge-Jet, Inc. is the world's leading manufacturer of Sponge Blasting products to the aerospace and aviation industry. This innovative stripping process offers extremely clean, dry, contollable, low dust, reusable surface preparation which is well suited for nearly all aurospace and aviastion substrates.

Sponge-Jet was selected by NASA’s Acquisition Pollution Prevention (AP2) Office as the “superior technology.”

“Sponge-Jet® (as demonstrated) proved to be a low-dusting alternative that achieved adequate paint strip rates on carbon steel. Other benefits of Sponge-Jet® include the high recyclability of the media, ease of use, and the high levels of worker visibility.”

Products and Press Releases

Strippingprocess 10138397

stripping process

Dec. 10, 2008
As a leading supplier of sponge media abrasives to the aerospace and aviation industry, Sponge-Jet Inc.™s innovative stripping process offers clean, dry, low dust, reusable surface...

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