Ipsen Inc.

Cherry Valley, IL 61016


About Ipsen Inc.

Ipsen Inc. is a manufacturer of vacuum and atmosphere heat treating systems. For technical support contact Mike Heninger at (800) 727-7625 or email [email protected]. Hours of service: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. CST.


984 Ipsen Rd.
Cherry Valley, IL 61016
United States

More Info on Ipsen Inc.

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Ipsen, Inc. designs and manufactures thermal processing systems for a wide variety of markets, including Aerospace, Medical, Energy, Chemical and Automotive. With thousands of installed systems worldwide, whether it's innovative titanium knee implants, making cars more efficient, developing new jet engines or going to the moon, Ipsen delivers quality.

For technical support contact Mark Heninger at (800) 727-7625 or email [email protected]. Hours of service: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. CST.

Products and Press Releases

Andrew Yazot Webres
Shop Equipment

Ipsen USA Enhances Midwest Territory Coverage with Experienced Technical Salesman

April 4, 2019
Ipsen USA is pleased to announce the transition of Andrew Yazot from International Sales Manager to Midwest Regional Sales Owner, effective immediately.
Matt Clinite 1
Shop Equipment

Ipsen USA Strengthens Customer Service Group with New Manager

March 1, 2019
Ipsen USA promotes Matt Clinite from Midwest Regional Sales Owner to Ipsen Customer Service Sales Manager
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Shop Equipment

Ipsen USA Receives Orders for 16 Vacuum Furnaces in October

Nov. 5, 2018
Among the orders were nine TITAN® vacuum furnaces – a record month in the 10-year production of the global platform product.
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Shop Equipment

Ipsen USA Ships 18 Furnaces in Q2 Including Record-Breaking Vacuum Furnace

July 13, 2018
Through the second quarter it has shipped 18 furnaces to companies in six states in the U.S. and two companies overseas.
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Education & Training

Attendees Learn Valuable Heat Treatment Skills At Ipsen U Course

May 15, 2018
This three-day course provided hands-on training and casual open-discussion for all levels of experience in the heat-treating industry.
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Heating/Cooling Equipment

Ipsen USA Ships Ten Furnaces for a Solid First Quarter Performance

April 24, 2018
This equipment will be used to process parts for companies in the Aerospace, Commercial Heat Treating and Medical industries.
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Shop Equipment

Ipsen Sells Custom Atmosphere Furnace to U.S. Customer in Aerospace & Defense Industry

April 18, 2018
This custom furnace will be used to process specialized gears for helicopters.
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Shop Equipment

Ipsen USA Finishes Q4 2017 Strong with Multiple TITAN Vacuum Furnaces Shipped

Jan. 16, 2018
Recently, 15 furnaces shipped to eight states in the United States, as well as Asia and Europe, to support customers in Additive Manufacturing, Aerospace, Commercial Heat Treating...


Mark Heninger

Vacuum Products Manager

Fred Roth

Engineered Products Manager

John Worley

AMS Manager

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All content from Ipsen Inc.

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Education & Training

Ipsen Announces 2018 Schedule for Heat Treatment Training

Dec. 7, 2017
Ipsen will host another series of Ipsen U classes throughout 2018. Courses are available April 3-5, June 5-7, August 7-9 and October 2-4.
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Shop Equipment

Ipsen Granted U.S. Patent for Advanced Loader Design

Nov. 21, 2017
Ipsen was recently awarded U.S. Patent No. 9,719,149 B2 for the development of a new load transport mechanism that can move a load within a multi-station heat-treating system....
RHTheater 59cd1acfd5ff6
Shop Equipment

Rockford Heat Treaters Continues to Invest in Their Customers, Purchasing TITAN H6 Vacuum Furnace

Sept. 28, 2017
The TITAN H6 has a 36” W x 36” H x 48” D (915 mm x 915 mm x 1,220 mm) all-graphite hot zone with a 3,000-pound (1,361 kg) load capacity.
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Education & Training

Upcoming Events Focus on Heat Treatment Trends, Technology & Training

Aug. 29, 2017
Ipsen U courses provide attendees with a broad overview of furnace equipment, processes and maintenance, as well as a hands-on approach to learning.
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Shop Equipment

Ipsen USA Responds to Diverse Market Demand in Q2 2017

Aug. 11, 2017
Equipment was sent to China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Saudi Arabia and the United States – all in support of the Aerospace, Commercial Heat Treating and MIM industries.
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Shop Equipment

Ipsen Invests $1 Million in Heat Treatment Industry By Offering $50,000 Credits Toward the Purchase of New TITAN Furnaces

July 25, 2017
To receive this credit, transactions must take place by October 31, and the new TITAN furnace must ship from Ipsen’s facility by December 31, 2017.
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Shop Equipment

Diamond Heat Treat Purchases TITAN Vacuum Furnace to Support IGT and Aerospace Industries

July 21, 2017
Diamond Heat Treat purchased a TITAN® H6 vacuum furnace with 6-bar gas quenching to expand their capabilities. They will also rely on Ipsen to provide local, hands-on support ...
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Shop Equipment

Ipsen USA Provides Comprehensive Support for Heat-Treating Systems Shipped Around the World

April 20, 2017
Ipsen USA recently shipped eight vacuum heat-treating systems to customers in Costa Rica, India, Germany and the United States.
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Heating/Cooling Equipment

Ipsen to Offer One-Day, Maintenance-Focused Seminars in South Carolina and Ohio

Jan. 12, 2017
Ipsen’s next available seminars will occur on Wednesday, February 22 in Greenville, South Carolina, and on Wednesday, March 1 in West Chester, Ohio.