Kennametal Inc.

Pittsburgh, PA 15219


About Kennametal Inc.


525 William Penn Plc
Ste 3300
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
United States of America
(724) 539-5000
(833) 893-1514

More Info on Kennametal Inc.

Design and development of aerospace tooling solutions to take your projects to new heights. We have aerospace expertise, solution-driven products, and unmatched, expert technical support you can rely on to navigate the challenges of aerospace machining like tough materials, intricate designs, and tight tolerances.

Products and Press Releases

Kennametal Master Catalog 2013 10739167
Shop Equipment

All-Inclusive Kennametal Master Catalog 2013 Brings Together Best of Print and Digital Access

July 6, 2012
At 2,400-plus pages, the newly released Master Catalog 2013 from Kennametal Inc. puts the company's complete lineup of world-leading tooling solutions at your fingertips in one...

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