offers its standard top of jack kits in several weight ranges from small aircraft starting at 5,000 pounds to large aircraft up to 50,000 pounds. Its HH2400 series digital kits are available in standard three cell configurations, 1 inch mounting on top of jack or under axle, wireless operation has never been more easy. The kits are also available in a wireless laptop version, the M2400 series if you require printed reports. New radial top cell features offer the most accurate cells in the industry, NIST traceable calibrations, and two-year warranty. The jet aircraft kit features large format cells for the GIV, V, EMB, RJ, and other large corporate/regional jets. One inch mounting or 2.5-inch mounting for your jacks, it also offers over the top jack adapters if your jack does not have the mounting hole. For more information call 561-281-6179 or visit