European Business Aviation Regional Forum Turns the Spotlight on Turkey

Sept. 6, 2013
Association is pulling together a range of high-level Turkish and EU experts to examine the opportunities and challenges for business aviation that the region holds.

Brussels, Belgium – 5 September 2013 – October 10 and 11, the European Business Aviation Association (EBAA), in partnership with MNG Jet and with the support of Gözen Air Services and Honeywell, is hosting business aircraft operators, service providers, financiers and senior transport officials from across Europe for a conference in Istanbul that will explore how to leverage Turkey’s yet untapped business aviation market as a growth engine for the country’s commercial development.

In recent years, Turkey has enjoyed a period of stable growth. With a dynamic population of 75 million and an economic growth average of 4%, it has become a geo-strategic base for international business. “Nevertheless, despite its strength, the development of business aviation has yet to be exploited to its full potential,” explains Fabio Gamba, EBAA Chief Executive Officer.

To that end, the Association is pulling together a range of high-level Turkish and EU experts to examine the opportunities and challenges for business aviation that the region holds.

Day One will kick off with a look at macroeconomic movements and trends between Turkey and the EU. Next the Forum will explore whether or not the country has the potential to live up to expectations as a dominant business aviation market. And finally the day will conclude with a review of the legal framework and policies within Turkey that impact daily transport activities.

The second day will start with a look back to EBAA’s 2010 Vienna Regional Forum, presenting the many initiatives that have kicked off as a result of that meeting and updating attendees on progress made so far. One session in particular will revisit business aviation finance & leasing, VAT and taxes.

Thereafter, the focus will shift to the future, with a discussion about the direction in which business aviation is evolving, and the technological and operational developments needed to help secure a bright future for the industry.

“It will be a focused yet dynamic day and a half of presentations and debate, with of course plenty of opportunities to network and explore the vibrant city of Istanbul,” says Fabio. “Registration is open now, but of course is limited. So there’s no time like the present for EBAA Members and other interested participants to reserve their space.”

Enquiries about reservations and sponsorships can be directed to EBAA Convention & Special Projects Manager Ana Baptista at [email protected] or +32 766 0073. Or visit the event section of the EBAA website.

About EBAA:

The European Business Aviation Association (EBAA) was founded in 1977 to defend the interests of business aviation. Today, the EBAA proudly counts 550 direct members, and 300+ indirect members (those who are members of associate organisations), who rely on the EBAA to protect their business interests. It is the only voice to represent business aviation among the European institutions. For more information, visit