Colorado U.S. Rep. Jason Crow Appointed to NATO Parliamentary Assembly

Oct. 5, 2022

Oct. 4—House Speaker Nancy Pelosi appointed Colorado U.S. Rep. Jason Crow to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly on Tuesday.

Created in 1955, the NATO Parliamentary Assembly brings together legislators from all 30 nations in the Atlantic Alliance to facilitate dialogues on defense and diplomacy. Currently, the assembly consists of 269 members, 36 of whom represent the U.S.

"I've spent my career safeguarding our country. We know America is stronger and safer when we build alliances in support of security, human rights and democracy," Crow said. "I'm proud to be appointed by Speaker Pelosi to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly to represent America's interests with the alliance."

Crow, a Democrat who represents Colorado's 6th Congressional District, is a former Army ranger and a member of the U.S. House of Representatives' Armed Services Committee and Intelligence Committee.

Crow led recent efforts to strengthen America's ties with international allies, including introducing legislation to improve the ability to assess the will of allies to fight; to allow U.S. contributions to NATO to be used for improving climate resilience of military installations; and, to establish a pathway to permanent legal status for Afghans evacuated to the U.S.

Crow has also been involved in responding to Russia's invasion of Ukraine. In December, Crow led a U.S. congressional delegation to Kyiv, and, in April, he joined Pelosi's visit with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to discuss continued U.S. economic, humanitarian and military support for the country under siege.

The NATO Parliamentary Assembly is a separate institution from NATO, but it serves as a link between NATO and member nations, in addition to integrating parliamentarians from countries seeking a closer association with NATO.


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