Remote Maintenance Kits are comprised of strategically selected parts and tooling for helicopter engines that will support aircraft availability and maintenance autonomy. The kit is offered to customers enrolled in the company’s Eagle Service Plan (ESP) pay-per-hour maintenance plan as part of their investment in the program.
The remote maintenance kits are available to ESP customers flying the following engine models: PT6C-67C, PW207C, PW206C, PW206B2/B3, PW207D1/D2. The strategic collection of engine parts and tooling is contained in a compact and light-weight case. It includes specialized cables, an ignition exciter and Stabilant 22, borescope guide tools to perform engine diagnostic tests, spare parts such as fuel and oil filter elements, retaining rings, and seals – all designed to return a helicopter to service as quickly and efficiently as possible. With critical parts and tooling on hand, customers avoid parts delivery delays, and shipping and customs issues.