Over the past several years, the Tallahassee International Airport (TLH) has soared to new heights thanks to a multitude of projects and visionary leadership. TLH is focused on progress that will improve air service for this community and set the airport apart as a key asset in economic development.
The positive trajectory and continued successes at TLH caught the attention of the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), which has named Chris Curry, the city of Tallahassee's director of aviation, as the 2016 FDOT Aviation Professional of the Year.
"Chris Curry has been my partner in our effort to improve Tallahassee air service for over three years. Chris is hard working, efficient and passionate about our mission," said City Commissioner Scott Maddox, commission liaison to the airport. "This honor is richly deserved; our city is lucky to have dedicated employees like Chris Curry."
Noteworthy projects that helped earn this recognition include becoming an International Airport, terminal and runway improvements, procuring innovative funding sources, efforts to create a Foreign Trade Zone, air service development and incentives, sustainable initiatives such as solar energy production, marketing TLH's developable land and more.
"Thanks to the leadership and support provided by the Mayor and City Commission, the Tallahassee International Airport is in a period of resurgence and growth. TLH staff and I are proud to have these efforts recognized by peers in the industry because remarkable accomplishments are being made to benefit the community," Curry said. "We will continue to be steadfast in our efforts to improve the quality of air travel for our community and the great state of Florida."
The honor was announced July 16, at the Florida Airports Council's Annual Conference and Exhibition. The FDOT Aviation Professional of the Year award is presented annually to recognize superior achievement by an aviation professional who is making the greatest contribution in the areas of technological research or advancement, airport management, airport construction/maintenance, airport design, air safety, aviation legislation and Florida aviation business.