South Carolina Aerospace Industry Conference & Expo
Columbia, SC
This year marks the second annual SC Aerospace Industry Conference and Expo, hosted by the University of South Carolina McNAIR Center, SC Council on Competitiveness, SC Aviation Association, SC Aeronautics Commission, and the SC Department of Commerce. This year's Conference and Expo features: Aerospace-related exhibitors from throughout the Southeast, the Fourth Annual SC Aerospace Dinner, two days of conference sessions, a technical symposium, and tours of innovative research laboratories at the University of South Carolina.
Conference Session topics will include: Workforce Development & K-12 Educational Initiatives; Technologies on the Horizon; Big Data in Aerospace; Supplier Management; A Competitive Look at Aerospace in the Southeast; Military and Defense (F-35); and Big Engines
Technical Symposium topics will include: Future Fiber Composites, Automation, and Simulation
Visit the conference website for exhibitor and conference registration, technical symposium paper submission information, as well as sponsor opportunities!