Leading Parts Supplier to Give Away New iPad at LABACE

Aug. 7, 2013
CRS Jet Spares has announced their 2013 LABACE exhibit for the past three years, will give to one lucky LABACE attendee an iPad.

Fort Lauerdale, FL (August 6, 2013)-- CRS Jet Spares, a leading business aviation aftermarket parts supplier, has announced their 2013 LABACE exhibit for the past three years, will give to one lucky LABACE attendee an iPad. A warm welcome and invitation to all corporate operators, jet owners, and maintenance departments attending this year's annual meeting and convention in Sao Paulo, Brazil to participate in this exciting giveaway! The drawing will take place at the CRS Booth #1016 on Thursday, August 15th at 5:00 pm, must be present to win.

“CRS feels the technology behind the Apple iPad coincides perfectly with our goal to have our finger on the pulse and provide what our customers want,” explains CRS Founder and President, Armando Leighton, Jr. For more information on CRS Jet Spares, visit www.crsjetspares.com or call 954.972.2807.

CRS Jet Spares:

 CRS Jet Spares is the premier aftermarket support facility in the business jet community. We supply total solutions to operators around the world through exchanges, sales, provisioning, packages, repairs or rental options. CRS Jet Spares has a program to meet all requirements. We support Astra, Learjets, Hawkers, Gulfstreams, Beechjets, Falcons, and Challengers through a comprehensive inventory, coupled with over 30 years of experience. CRS provides services which conform to AS9120 Quality Standards, offering quality, competitive pricing and renowned customer service. CRS is available 24/7 to keep your business jet up and flying.

Image provided by France Air Expo
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