Platinum Flight Center (ATW) Now Offering Avfuel Services
APPLETON, WI / February 13, 2012 / GENERAL AVIATION NEWS / Platinum Flight Center at Outagamie Regional Airport – a convenient gateway to Wisconsin attractions such as the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA), EAA Airventure, the city of Green Bay and the scenic Door County – has partnered with fuel supplier Avfuel to become part of the Avfuel-branded FBO network.“
Avfuel provides superior customer support and backing,” said Platinum Flight Center Operations Manager Patrick Smith. “The initial installation was flawless, as is the ongoing support. In addition, Avfuel’s top-notch marketing, streamlined bookkeeping and point-of-sale efficiencies serve us very well, and the AVTRIP program is superior to all other incentive programs.”
The Platinum Flight Center team acquired the existing FBO at Outagamie Regional Airport in 2010. The facility was remodeled that year, and a brand new relocated FBO and hangar complex is slated to begin construction mid-2012. Platinum Flight Center boasts a large, comfortable pilot lounge and a flight planning room with multiple work stations. Quick turns, a large ramp and comprehensive ground services appeal to flight crews, while all passengers and guests receive complimentary beverages and snacks and take advantage of the FBO’s “red carpet” service.
Customer service is a point of pride: Platinum Flight Center operates under the sentiment that “no is not an option,” says Smith. Ongoing training and high expectations keep staff operating at top levels, even during times of increased traffic. “During an extremely busy morning after a Green Bay Packers game, we had several customers tell us that they had never received finer service from an FBO,” Smith said.
“Avfuel is very excited to assist Platinum Flight Center as they leverage our slate of products and solutions such as the AVTRIP program and Avfuel Contract Fuel to maximize their guests’ experiences,” said Avfuel Director of Marketing Marci Ammerman. “We look forward to supporting them in their endeavors.”
Avfuel provides fuel and services to the global aviation industry and is the leading independent supplier in the United States. Established as a supply and logistic company nearly 40 years ago, Avfuel is core competent in every aspect that surround the delivery of fuel – from refinery to wingtip. Our diverse market of customers include: fixed base operators, airlines, freight companies, corporate flight departments, military special operations and helicopter operators. Avfuel combines global access with personalized service throughout a fueling network over 2000 locations worldwide and 600+ Avfuel branded dealers and offers business solutions such as AVTRIP, an established, recognized pilot incentive program; the jet fuel savings program Avfuel Contract Fuel and Avplan, a flight-support and trip planning company for domestic and international customers. Our 100% dedication to aviation demonstrates our passion and commitment to a global community that prospers on the movement of goods and services around the world.