C&S Propeller

Fort Worth, TX 76140


About C&S Propeller

A full-service facility devoted to all aspects of maintenance, repair, and overhaul of the 54H60, 14RF, 14SF, 24PF, and 568F propeller systems.


8717 Forum Way
Ste 121
Fort Worth, TX 76140
United States of America

More Info on C&S Propeller

C&S Propeller LLC is a single source provider for the complete overhaul/repair of your 54H60 Propeller Assembly.  C&S also maintains capabilities for the repair and Overhaul (Major Inspection) of 14RF, 14SF, 24PF, and 568F Propeller Systems.


Products and Press Releases

C&S Propeller
Atr 72 500 2
Propellers, Rotors, & Blades

C&S Propeller Adds to Its Regional Airline Products Composite Propeller Blade Repair and Overhaul Capability

March 30, 2020
C&S Propeller has begun offering repair and overhaul service to composite propeller blades on the ATR 42 (400-500 series) and ATR 72 (500-600 series) short-haul regional airline...
C&S Propeller
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Propeller Maintenance

C&S Propeller Adds to Its Regional Airline Products Composite Propeller Blade Repair and Overhaul Capability

March 30, 2020
Hamilton Sunstrand model 568F propeller blade in service on thousands of aircraft around the world.
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Propellers, Rotors, & Blades

C&S Propeller Adds Fillet Cut & Cold Roll and Other Specialized Repairs

Sept. 19, 2018
C&S Propeller has successfully improved and expanded their capabilities for the 54H60 Propeller Assembly, in the following areas: Fillet Cut, Cold Roll, Taper Bore Ream, Butt ...
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C&S Propeller Completes Installation of Its Relocated Propeller MRO Facility In Fort Worth, TX

Nov. 9, 2016
With its relocation to Fort Worth, Texas, complete and corresponding FAA repair station certificate issued, C&S Propeller’s large propeller system maintenance, repair and overhaul...

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