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  • June/July 2012
  • June/July 2012

    Indyjet2 10728993
    Airports & Municipalities

    Crossroads Of America Hosts Superbowl XLVI

    June 28, 2012
    A look at the challenges and benefits associated with supporting aircraft during the major sports event
    Vammas Fixed 10727833
    Airports & Municipalities

    A Multifunctional Approach

    June 28, 2012
    A look at multi-purpose airfield equipment and solutions that allow airports to do more with less
    New Ralph Hood Img 1440 10727928
    Airports & Municipalities

    Truth-In-Budgeting At TRI

    June 28, 2012
    Patrick Wilson, director of Tri-Cities Regional Airport (TRI) is a fun and informative guy to interview. The Tri-Cities, BTW, are Johnson City and Kingsportin, TN, and Bristol...

    More content from June/July 2012

    Brad New Headshot 10727806
    Airports & Municipalities

    Techbytes June/July 2012

    June 28, 2012
    Advanced Passenger Processing Ultra Electronics, Airport Systems announces a key partnership with MATERNA, a supplier of passenger processing systems and services, to facilitate...
    Fll Airport 8617sky 11x14 10729114
    Airports & Municipalities

    Optimized Awareness

    June 28, 2012
    New technologies enhance situational awareness and provide a more comprehensive and intelligent view of the AOA
    Sleek New 5 7 Seat Diamond Da 10727803
    Business & General Aviation

    Tomorrow's Avgas: Mogas or Diesel?

    June 28, 2012
    A look at the state of avgas and its potential alternatives
    Apg Hseriesbroomsmall 10726202
    Airports & Municipalities

    Snow Solutions

    June 28, 2012
    Oshkosh introduces the new H-Series XF snow removal broom at the 46th Snow Symposium
    New Fod Ford 10726232
    Airports & Municipalities

    Detect, Catalog, And Remove

    June 28, 2012
    Trex FOD Finder’s are locating 100,000 to 200,000 FOD items per airfield annually
    Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport executive director John Wheat
    Airports & Municipalities

    Success In The Panhandle

    June 28, 2012
    After just two years in operation, the Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport sees rising passenger traffic and increased market share
    Pal Photo 10725472
    Airports & Municipalities

    So Your Airport Sponsor Is Trying To Dictate Your Rate Structure For Subtenants And Customers?

    June 28, 2012
    Part two of a six part series on airport tenant relations and aviation legal matters
    Every system on each remanufactured Titan was tested thoroughly before delivery. Crash Truck Services delivered the rebuilt fire engine to the airfield and conducted training.

    Military Airfield Gets Two “Like New” ARFFs for the Price of One

    June 28, 2012
    With the economy struggling, what do you do when you need new equipment? Some manufacturers are offering lease-purchase or special financing deals, or you can consider refurbishment...
    Wausau Bab Snow Blower 10728311
    Runway Management

    Wausau Bab High Speed Runway Snow Blower

    Features include: High Speed Snow Blower with Performance up to 30 mph; Tons Per Hour - 7,500 (minimum); Casting Distance 75’ - 150’ (dependent upon snow density); Fan Diameter...
    Img 5064 10729050
    Airports & Municipalities


    June 12, 2012
    iFerret is designed to detect and classify foreign objects, as well as pinpoint their location. The system features self-calibrating cameras, automated scene analysis, and configurable...
    Deicers 10447489
    Deicing / Anti-icing Equipment & Services

    Mobile Deicer Carts

    Nov. 4, 2011
    Tronair's mobile deicer carts deliver Type 1 fluid efficiently and effectively; the units come in a variety of voltages. Tronair also manufactures a unit designed specifically...
    Nasaduplex 10300256
    Runway Management


    July 17, 2011
    The FOD BOSS works by capturing debris as it passes over the tarmac. The force of friction and a series of specially designed brushes scoop up foreign objects and hold them in...
    Mb2gooddsc00156 10287038
    Runway Management

    Airport Snow Removal Chassis

    June 28, 2011
    M-B Companies designs and manufactures Complete Family of Airport Snow Removal Chassis in addition to all the attachments for airport snow and ice removal. Your one stop shop ...
    Xsightfod 10161373
    Runway Management

    XSight FODetect

    July 20, 2010
    An automated distributed radar/optic sensor system for high-resolution and high-speed detection of FOD. The system consists of sensors mounted on airfield edge lights along travel...
    Oshkoshlineofflaredandstraight 10728323
    Snow, Ice, & Foreign Object Debris (FOD) Removal

    Flared and Straight J Plows

    Sept. 15, 2008
    The line of flared and straight J plows for snow removal are available from Oshkosh Truck Corporation. Bigger caster wheels, sronger blade supports, and a deeper blade radius ...
    Winterequipment 10133086
    Snow, Ice, & Foreign Object Debris (FOD) Removal

    Winter Equipment

    Eagle Airfield (a division of Team Eagle) is Canada’s leading supplier of ‘industry-best’ snow and ice control equipment, ARFF vehicles and GPS-based Safety Management Systems...
    Vammaspsb 10107623
    Deicing / Anti-icing Equipment & Services

    Airport Snow Removal Equipment

    June 22, 2007
    Fortbrand Services is the exclusive North American distributor for a wide range of airport snow removal and maintenance equipment, including the Vammas line of runway snow removal...