Miller Electric Mfg. Co. offers its Syncrowave 200 AC/DC TIG/stick welder, which features an extended power range for welding thicker materials (up to 1/4-inch aluminum in AC TIG). It replaces the highly successful Syncrowave 180 SD. It helps operators enhance weld appearance with an easy-to-use, built-in pulse control that also helps eliminate burn-through and distortion. The Syncrowave 200 tailors its arc starts with Syncro Start, a selectable arc start condition feature. Other features include Fan-On-Demand, Auto-Postflow, Adaptive Hot Start for stick arc starts and a 115-volt auxiliary power receptacle located on the front of the machine. It provides 5- to 200-amp output power (150 amps at 40 percent duty cycle), enough to weld 1/4-inch aluminum with AC TIG. With the built-in pulser, operators can easily attain professional-looking weld beads. Pulsing reduces heat input by allowing the puddle to cool between pulses, minimizing burn-through and the warping effects of distortion. Single-knob adjustment controls the pulse rate (or frequency) from one to 15 pulses per second. For more information call (800) 426-4553 or visit

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