GE Sensing & Inspection Technologies

Billerica, MA 01821


About GE Sensing & Inspection Technologies


1100 Technology Park Dr
Billerica, MA 01821
United States of America
(800) 833-9438

More Info on GE Sensing & Inspection Technologies

GE Sensing & Inspection Technologies offers Air Data test sets. For technical support call (800) 833-9438 or email [email protected].

Products and Press Releases

xl lv web 57841517a433c

GE Updates XL Series of Video Borescopes for Remote Visual Inspection

July 11, 2016
GE’s XL Vu™ Video Borescope is consistently one the industry’s top-selling VideoProbes. The newest update to this popular model includes improved light output for enhanced image...
Dxr250vportabledigitalradiography 10139591
Inspection & Testing

DXR250V portable digital radiography

Feb. 25, 2010
GE Sensing & Inspection Technologies now provides a comprehensive portfolio of imaging plates covering virtually all nondestructive testing (NDT) applications for computed radiography...
Usmgoultrasonicflawdetector 10139151
Inspection & Testing

USM GO ultrasonic flaw detector

Aug. 31, 2009
Weighing 2.2 pounds, the USM Go is the lightest and most portable ultrasonic flaw detector available from GE Sensing & Inspection Technologies. It is designed for ease of prolonged...
Phasorxsultrasonicflawdetector 10137413
Inspection & Testing

Phasor XS ultrasonic flaw detector

Dec. 10, 2008
The Phasor XS from GE Inspection Technologies offers phased array capability within a conventional, portable ultrasonic flaw detector to drastically reduce inspection times and...
Fig2anxlg 10184616
Inspection & Testing

GE XLG3 portable video borescope

Dec. 10, 2008
The XLG3 portable video borescope from GE Inspection Technologies delivers sharp, clear images needed to identify and measure defects quickly. Features include enhanced image ...


Amanda Fontaine

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All content from GE Sensing & Inspection Technologies


GE X-ray diffraction detector

Dec. 10, 2008
GE Sensing & Inspection Technologies announces Meteor1D for X-ray diffraction detecting. The Meteor1D features a 64 mm window and can be operated as both a point and a linear ...
Inspection & Testing

GE Sensing XL Go Videoprobe

Dec. 10, 2008
The XL Go Video Probe system from GE Sensing & Inspection Technologies meets MIL-STD-810F and MIL-STD-461E (above deck) standards and has a wide range of optical tip adaptors....

CR 50P portable computed radiography scanner

Dec. 10, 2008
The CR 50P portable computed radiography scanner from GE Inspection Technologies is light and compact enough to allow the benefits of computed radiography to be realized at remote...
Inspection & Testing

X-Ray Machine

Dec. 10, 2008
The ISOVOLT Titan E stationary X-ray machine from GE Sensing & Inspection Technologies is based on the field-proven ISOVOLT Titan series and offers improvements in ease of operation...
Inspection & Testing

GE Sensing & Inspection ISOVOLT Titan E x-ray machine

Dec. 10, 2008
The ISOVOLT Titan E stationary X-ray machine from GE Sensing & Inspection Technologies is based on the field-proven ISOVOLT Titan series and offers significant improvements in...
Inspection & Testing

Phased array ultrasonic immersion transducers

Dec. 10, 2008
A range of phased array ultrasonic immersion transducers, optimally matched for use with the company™s phased array flaw detection equipment, is now available from GE Inspection...
Novaxrayfilmprocessor 10137409

NOVA x-ray film processor

Dec. 10, 2008
The NOVA X-ray film processor is part of GE Inspection Technologies' range of field-proven processors. It has been specifically designed for ease-of-operation in NDT applications...
Rhythmndtsoftware 10137407
Inspection & Testing

Rhythm ndt software

Dec. 10, 2008
The Rhythm suite of user-friendly proprietary software from GE Inspection Technologies offers advanced image review tools and total data management for all techniques of X-ray...
Lightscanbladeinspection 10137411
Inspection & Testing

Lightscan blade inspection

Dec. 10, 2008
The Lightscan non-contact blade gauging inspection from GE Inspection Technologies is a complete, automated, shopfloor solution for quickly and accurately measuring compressor...